Gunting Kuku Kucing Anjing Kelinci Nail Clipper Plus Alat Kikir
Gunting Kuku Kucing Anjing Kelinci Nail Clipper Plus Alat Kikir
Jangan biarkan dirimu kecakar yang mulia paduka kucing kesayangan. Selain sakit, pastinya akan membekas di kulit indahmu.
Segera potong kuku kucing yang sudah melengkung bak kail pancing sebelum terlambat!
Chat aja kalau bingung cara potong kuku kucingnya ya.
Hanya tersedia warna biru.AYO BELI!
Rp29.900 -
DIPRODUKSI : 01.05.2023
READY STOK – EXP.01.08.2024
Wei Bi Rabbit & Guinea Pig Food makanan yang seimbang, campuran yang seimbang untuk kelinci dan Guinea Pig , tidak saja enak rasanya tetapi juga memberikan semua yang dibutuhkan untuk kesehatan kelinci, berkhasiat untuk mencegah gejala kekurangan vitamin dan meningkatan vitalitas!
Makanan ini mengandung bahan-bahan persis seperti yang dicari oleh kelinci di alam, dan diproduksi dengan formula bebas gula. Vitamin-vitamin penting, mineral-mineral dan elemen-elemen penting membantu menyediakan perawatan yang optimal untuk hewan kita.
+ Banyak mengandung serat kasar:
Serat kasar membantu pencernaan dan memastikan kesehatan usus sehingga kelinci merasa nyaman.
+ Memelihara kesehatan gigi:
Komposisi makanan yang kaya akan serat kasar menstimulasi kelinci mengunyah dalam waktu yang lebih lama sehingga mendukung mengikisan yang diperlukan dari gigi yang selalu bertumbuh.
+ Menghilangkan Bau:
Kombinasi bahan-bahan active special dari Vitakraft memastikan udara yang lebih baik pada rumah kelinci. Secara alamiah, mencegah dan mengikat bau yang tidak sedap.
– Untuk semua kelinci dan Guinea Pig
– Dicampur dengan cereal penting, buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran.
– Mengandung vital vitamins, minerals and trace elements
– With high-quality extrudates
– Sugar free recipe
– Tanpa pengawet
Rekomendasi Pemberian Makan:
45-55g per kelinci per hari (sekitar 4 sendok makan) + hay dan air segarRp36.000 -
DIPRODUKSI : 01.05.2023
READY STOK – EXP: 01.08.2024
Wei Bi Rabbit & Guinea Pig Food makanan yang seimbang, campuran yang seimbang untuk kelinci dan Guinea Pig , tidak saja enak rasanya tetapi juga memberikan semua yang dibutuhkan untuk kesehatan kelinci, berkhasiat untuk mencegah gejala kekurangan vitamin dan meningkatan vitalitas!
Makanan ini mengandung bahan-bahan persis seperti yang dicari oleh kelinci di alam, dan diproduksi dengan formula bebas gula. Vitamin-vitamin penting, mineral-mineral dan elemen-elemen penting membantu menyediakan perawatan yang optimal untuk hewan kita.
+ Banyak mengandung serat kasar:
Serat kasar membantu pencernaan dan memastikan kesehatan usus sehingga kelinci merasa nyaman.+ Memelihara kesehatan gigi:
Komposisi makanan yang kaya akan serat kasar menstimulasi kelinci mengunyah dalam waktu yang lebih lama sehingga mendukung mengikisan yang diperlukan dari gigi yang selalu bertumbuh.+ Menghilangkan Bau:
Kombinasi bahan-bahan active special dari Vitakraft memastikan udara yang lebih baik pada rumah kelinci. Secara alamiah, mencegah dan mengikat bau yang tidak sedap.– Untuk semua kelinci dan Guinea Pig
– Apllicable to the whole age
– Forage and fresh fruit vegetables
– Add pasture and fresh vegetable fibre ingredients to the recipe
– Add coccidial powder and anti coccidial ingredients
– Dicampur dengan cereal penting, buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran.
– Mengandung vital vitamins, minerals and trace elements
– With high-quality extrudates
– Sugar free recipe
– Tanpa pengawetRekomendasi Pemberian Makan:
45-55g per kelinci per hari (sekitar 4 sendok makan) + hay dan air segarRp83.000 -
Exotic Nutrition O-Ring Syringe 1ml 3 Pack Suntikan Bayi Kelinci
Baxter O-Ring Syringes adalah alat suntik kualitas unggul dengan gasket O-ring EZ-Glide yang super halus dan mudah meluncur
– Multi guna (dengan pembersihan yang tepat)
– Dapat digunakan dengan atau tanpa dot silikon
– Wonder Nipples cocok dengan jarum suntik 1mL dan 3 mL
– Disarankan untuk Bayi Tupai, Sugar Glider, Opossum, Kelinci1 ml – Disarankan untuk: Bayi Tupai, Bayi Sugar Glider, Opossum, Bayi Kelinci, dan mamalia kecil lainnya – lahir hingga disapih
3 ml – Disarankan untuk: Bayi Kecil Mamalia seperti Racoon & Opossum (4 minggu sampai disapih)
5 ml – Puppies & Kittens 3 minggu ke atas dan bayi mamalia yang lebih besar
PETUNJUK: Saat memberi makan hewan Anda, arahkan pengumpan ke arah pipi untuk mencegah tersedak. Buang perlahan”
Rp59.000 -
Exotic Nutrition Pasture Plus+ Adult Rabbit Food 2,2kg Makanan Kelinci
Makanan Seri Pasture Plus+ diformulasikan menggunakan bahan-bahan taman yang sehat untuk memberikan diet yang lengkap dan seimbang. Kami memanen jerami kami secara lokal dari peternakan Maryland kemudian memproduksi dari fasilitas Exotic Nutrition di Virginia. Vitamin & mineral tambahan dalam makanan berkualitas tinggi kami dirancang untuk mengoptimalkan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan hewan peliharaan Anda, memberi Anda jaminan yang terjamin. Makanan Kelinci Dewasa Exotic Nutrition adalah diet pelet yang sehat dan mudah diberikan yang terbuat dari jerami Timothy dan Alfalfa berserat tinggi bersama dengan bunga dan rempah beraroma yang direkomendasikan untuk kelinci. Diet ini diperkaya dengan bahan-bahan termasuk asam lemak omega yang bermanfaat, antioksidan alami, dan probiotik untuk mempromosikan gaya hidup sehat untuk kelinci dewasa. Campuran premium ini menawarkan variasi, nutrisi, dan kenikmatan mencari makan untuk hewan peliharaan Anda
– 100% alami – tanpa pewarna, perasa, atau pengawet buatan
– Aneka bunga & herbal untuk pengayaan dan variasi tambahan
– jerami alfalfa & timothy premium dari peternakan Maryland
– Direkomendasikan dokter hewan – Tekstur pelet mendukung kesehatan gigi melalui aktivitas mengunyah alami
– Makanan kelinci paling populer dari Exotic Nutrition
Pasture Plus+ Adult Rabbit Food memberikan nutrisi optimal untuk kelinci dewasa (12 bulan ke atas); suplemen tidak diperlukan. Selalu berikan sayuran segar, jerami rumput, dan air bersama dengan makanan ini untuk membentuk diet lengkap dan seimbang untuk kelinci Anda. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan mengenai kebutuhan nutrisi hewan peliharaan Anda, silakan berkonsultasi dengan dokter hewan atau Exotic Nutrition Anda”Rp179.000 -
Exotic Nutrition Pasture Plus+ Young Rabbit Food 2,2kg Makanan Kelinci
Makanan Kelinci Muda Exotic Nutrition adalah makanan lengkap dan seimbang yang diformulasikan untuk mendukung pertumbuhan dan kesehatan kelinci muda, bunting, atau menyusui. Campuran Alfalfa berserat tinggi kami bersama dengan bunga dan rempah beraroma memberikan protein optimal untuk hewan peliharaan yang sedang tumbuh. Formula ini kaya serat dan antioksidan alami, yang membantu pencernaan dan dukungan kekebalan untuk kesehatan umum kelinci Anda. Makanan Pasture Plus+ diformulasikan menggunakan bahan-bahan taman yang sehat untuk memberikan diet yang lengkap dan seimbang. Kami memanen jerami secara lokal dari peternakan Maryland, kemudian memproduksi dari fasilitas Exotic Nutrition di Virginia
100% alami – tanpa pewarna, perasa, atau pengawet buatan
– Aneka bunga & herbal untuk pengayaan dan variasi tambahan
– jerami alfalfa & timothy premium dari peternakan Maryland
– Vitamin dan mineral tambahan dalam makanan berkualitas tinggi kami dirancang untuk mengoptimalkan kesehatan hewan peliharaan Anda
– Disetujui oleh dokter hewan – tekstur pelet mendukung kesehatan gigi melalui aktivitas mengunyah alami
– Dibuat di USA
Pasture Plus+ Young Rabbit Food memberikan nutrisi optimal untuk kelinci muda, bunting, atau menyusui; suplemen tidak diperlukan. Selalu berikan jerami semanggi dan air bersama makanan ini, dan secara bertahap tambahkan sayuran segar dan lembab untuk membentuk makanan lengkap dan seimbang untuk kelinci Anda. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan mengenai kebutuhan nutrisi hewan peliharaan Anda, silakan berkonsultasi dengan dokter hewan atau Exotic Nutrition Anda”Rp189.000 -
Animalnco Timothy Hay 1st Cut 500gr Makanan Kelinci Guinea Pig Rumput
Rumput kelinci berkualitas tinggi yang membantu proses pencernaan alami kelinci dan hewan kecil lainnya dengan menyediakan serat yang diperlukan untuk kelinci.
Animalnco Hay adalah produk alami tanpa tambahan pengawet yang di paket rapi agar lebih higienis dan penyimpanan lebih lama. dapat mengurangi kemungkinan masalah saluran pencernaan (diare). Serat tinggi yang disediakan oleh Animalnco Hay adalah kebiasaan makan yang baik untuk kelinci dan hewan kecil yang dapat membantu mencegah obesitas.
Rumput ini memiliki kandungan tinggi serat, rendah protein, dan rendah kalsium yang sangat direkomendasikan oleh dokter hewan.
Cocok utk :
kelinci ,marmut , guinea pig , cavy , chinchillas , torto.
Dan herbivora small animal lainnya.
Bahan :
100% FRESH Hay. Bebas pengawet dan aditif.Rp34.900 -
Rabbit Nest Box Kotak Lahiran Anak Kelinci Kayu Jati Box Bayi Kelinci
Rabbit Nest Box / Kotak Lahiran Anak Kelinci kesayangan Anda
Material : Kayu Jati
Ukuran : 35 cm x 26 cm x 11,5/17 cmRp60.000 -
Chipsi Sunshine Hay 15 Liter 1 kg Rumput Kelinci Makanan Chinchilla SG
Rumput Hay memiliki kandungan serat yang sangat tinggi, yang sangat penting untuk kesehatan pencernaan kelinci Anda. Kurangnya serat dapat membuat sistem pencernaan kelinci buruk dan memungkinkan terkena diare serta menyebabkan obesitas .
Rumput Hay tidak hanya diperlukan untuk menjaga sistem pencernaan yang baik, tetapi juga dapat mengontrol gigi kelinci yang terus tumbuh.
Kami menyediakan berbagai macam jenis kelinci hias untuk peliharaan, menyediakan perlengkapan dan makanan hewan khususnya kelinci, serta melayani jasa perawatan dan penitipan hewan.
Rp52.900 -
Exotic Nutrition Pasture Plus+ Adult Rabbit Food 150gr Makanan Kelinci
Nett weight : 146 gram
Sealed for Freshness
Makanan Seri Pasture Plus+ diformulasikan menggunakan bahan-bahan taman yang sehat untuk memberikan diet yang lengkap dan seimbang. Kami memanen jerami kami secara lokal dari peternakan Maryland kemudian memproduksi dari fasilitas Exotic Nutrition di Virginia. Vitamin & mineral tambahan dalam makanan berkualitas tinggi kami dirancang untuk mengoptimalkan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan hewan peliharaan Anda, memberi Anda jaminan yang terjamin. Makanan Kelinci Dewasa Exotic Nutrition adalah diet pelet yang sehat dan mudah diberikan yang terbuat dari jerami Timothy dan Alfalfa berserat tinggi bersama dengan bunga dan rempah beraroma yang direkomendasikan untuk kelinci. Diet ini diperkaya dengan bahan-bahan termasuk asam lemak omega yang bermanfaat, antioksidan alami, dan probiotik untuk mempromosikan gaya hidup sehat untuk kelinci dewasa. Campuran premium ini menawarkan variasi, nutrisi, dan kenikmatan mencari makan untuk hewan peliharaan Anda
– 100% alami – tanpa pewarna, perasa, atau pengawet buatan
– Aneka bunga & herbal untuk pengayaan dan variasi tambahan
– jerami alfalfa & timothy premium dari peternakan Maryland
– Direkomendasikan dokter hewan – Tekstur pelet mendukung kesehatan gigi melalui aktivitas mengunyah alami
– Makanan kelinci paling populer dari Exotic NutritionPasture Plus+ Adult Rabbit Food memberikan nutrisi optimal untuk kelinci dewasa (12 bulan ke atas); suplemen tidak diperlukan. Selalu berikan sayuran segar, jerami rumput, dan air bersama dengan makanan ini untuk membentuk diet lengkap dan seimbang untuk kelinci Anda. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan mengenai kebutuhan nutrisi hewan peliharaan Anda, silakan berkonsultasi dengan dokter hewan atau Exotic Nutrition Anda”
Rp15.900 -
Exotic Nutrition Pasture Plus+ Young Rabbit Food 150gr Makanan Kelinci
Nett weight = 146 gram
Sealed for freshness
Makanan Kelinci Muda Exotic Nutrition adalah makanan lengkap dan seimbang yang diformulasikan untuk mendukung pertumbuhan dan kesehatan kelinci muda, bunting, atau menyusui. Campuran Alfalfa berserat tinggi kami bersama dengan bunga dan rempah beraroma memberikan protein optimal untuk hewan peliharaan yang sedang tumbuh. Formula ini kaya serat dan antioksidan alami, yang membantu pencernaan dan dukungan kekebalan untuk kesehatan umum kelinci Anda. Makanan Pasture Plus+ diformulasikan menggunakan bahan-bahan taman yang sehat untuk memberikan diet yang lengkap dan seimbang. Kami memanen jerami secara lokal dari peternakan Maryland, kemudian memproduksi dari fasilitas Exotic Nutrition di Virginia
100% alami – tanpa pewarna, perasa, atau pengawet buatan
– Aneka bunga & herbal untuk pengayaan dan variasi tambahan
– jerami alfalfa & timothy premium dari peternakan Maryland
– Vitamin dan mineral tambahan dalam makanan berkualitas tinggi kami dirancang untuk mengoptimalkan kesehatan hewan peliharaan Anda
– Disetujui oleh dokter hewan – tekstur pelet mendukung kesehatan gigi melalui aktivitas mengunyah alami
– Dibuat di USA
Pasture Plus+ Young Rabbit Food memberikan nutrisi optimal untuk kelinci muda, bunting, atau menyusui; suplemen tidak diperlukan. Selalu berikan jerami semanggi dan air bersama makanan ini, dan secara bertahap tambahkan sayuran segar dan lembab untuk membentuk makanan lengkap dan seimbang untuk kelinci Anda. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan mengenai kebutuhan nutrisi hewan peliharaan Anda, silakan berkonsultasi dengan dokter hewan atau Exotic Nutrition Anda”Rp15.900 -
Rumah Kelinci Rumah Guinea Pig Rumah Marmut Kayu Jati Jendela Hamster
Material : Kayu Jati
Finishing : Food Grade Standard
Aman kalau termakanUkuran :
Panjang : 30 cm
Lebar : 20 cm
Tinggi : 25 cmRp124.900 -
Tempat Makan Kucing Tempat Makan Anjing Kelinci Anti Semut Double
Tempat makan dan minum ANTI SLIP untuk berbagai jenis hewan anjing kucing kelinci dll. Di design khusus ANTI SLIP jadi tidak tergeser/tumpah saat digunakan hewan kesayangan anda.
Type A
Panjang : 27.5 cm
Lebar : 15 cm
Tinggi : 3.5 cmType B (Hirro)
Panjang : 27,5 cm
Lebar : 15 cm
Tinggi 4 cmPlastik Tebal, Export Quality
Ada tempat air untuk ANTI SEMUTRp9.500 -
Feeding Kit Pelontar Pil Kucing Anjing Kelinci Pelontar Obat Hewan
Feeding Kit Pelontar merupakan alat yang diformulasikan khusus untuk hewan.
Terbuat dari bahan polystyrene yang kuat dan steril sehingga aman digunakan
untuk hewan.Ideal untuk pemberian obat serta asupan nutrisi pada kucing, anjing, marmut,
kelinci, musang, dan hewan lainnya. Alat ini memiliki panjang 15 cm yang dapat
dibawa bepergian. Praktis dan mudah dibersihkan.Keunggulan Produk:
1. Terbuat dari polystyrene yang berkualitas.
2. Membantu dalam pemberian obat atau vitamin pada hewan yang sedang sakit.
3. Dapat digunakan sebagai pemberian nutrisi selain Asi indukan pada anakan
hewan yang baru lahir.
4. Aman digunakan dan tidak akan melukai mulut hewan.
5. Mudah dibersihkan dan digunakan kembali.
6. Biasa digunakan oleh dokter hewan.Cara Pemakaian:
* Pasang karet nipple pada ujung suntikan.
* Celupkan ujung suntikan pada air yang akan diberikan saat memberi obat pada
hewan, tarik plunger suntikan hingga tabung terisi dengan air.
* Letakkan pil atau kapsul pada ujung karet. Jika pil kebesaran, karet nipple
dapat dibelah dua.
* Buka mulut hewan lalu arahkan feeding kit kedalam mulut dan tekan plunger
agar obat beserta air didalamnya terdorong keluar.
* Rapatkan mulut hewan selama beberapa saat agar obat dapat tertelan dengan
baik.Detail Produk:
* Material: Plastik
* Panjang: 15 cm
* Lebar: 6 cmHarga yang tertera adalah harga per pcs.
Untuk pertanyaan lain dan info lebih lanjut, silahkan chat kami.
Rp7.900 -
Pakan Kelinci Vital Rabbit – Makanan Kelinci Vital Rabbit Repack
Makanan Kelinci Repack
untuk anakan / dewasaTersedia 2 kemasan :
500 gram / 1 kgRp6.000 -
OXBOW Essentials Adult Rabbit Food 5lb / 2.25 kg Makanan Kelinci Oxbow
Essentials – Adult Rabbit Food dari Oxbow diformulasikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi spesifik kelinci dewasa dan membantu mereka berkembang. Makanan kelinci dewasa yang lengkap dan seimbang ini mengandung jerami Timothy untuk pencernaan yang sehat dan semua bahan sehat dan nutrisi penting yang diperlukan untuk mendukung fungsi dan kinerja sehari-hari.
• Pelet yang mencegah pemberian makan secara selektif
• Serat yang tinggi untuk kesehatan pencernaan sehari-hari
• Diperkaya dengan vitamin dan mineral untuk kesehatan optimal
• Diformulasikan dengan bimbingan dokter hewan dan ahli gizi terkemuka
* Produk ini tidak ditujukan untuk kelinci yang sedang tumbuh, aktif, hamil atau menyusui. Kami menganjurkan pemilik hewan peliharaan untuk memberi makan Oxbow Essentials Young Rabbit Food selama tahap kehidupan ini. Tujuh puluh persen dari makanan kelinci Anda harus berupa rumput jerami. Oxbow menawarkan berbagai pilihan jerami berserat tinggi untuk memperkaya kehidupan dan kesehatan hewan peliharaan Anda.Rp177.900 -
Kandang Torto Kandang Kucing Kandang Kelinci Kandang DIY 8/16 Hitam
8 LEMBAR = 70CM X 70CM
Ukuran Jadi Kandang :
panjang : 70 cm
lebar : 70 cm
tinggi : 35 cmRp169.000 -
Tempat Makan Kucing Wadah Makan Anjing Tempat Makan Kelinci Single
Tempat Makan Minum Hewan untuk Puppy, Kitten, Kelinci, Hamster.
Aman untuk makanan hewan kesayangan
Bahan : Plastik
Ukuran :
Pastel : 13,7 x 4,6 cm
AntiSemut : 18 x 5 cm (bowl : 13,5 cm)Rp4.900 -
GoFeed Rabbit Pakan Kelinci Pelet Kelinci Go Feed Makanan Kelinci
Gofeed pakkan kelinci komplit bervitamin. Go feed sangat cocok untuk segala usia kelinci.
baik untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangbiakan kelinci.
yuk dicoba untuk kelinci kesayangan anda ??
Rp4.800 -
Makanan Kelinci / Makanan Marmut curah murah meriah.. 1kg
Makanan kelinci curah
merk niceRp16.000Rp20.000Makanan Kelinci / Makanan Marmut curah murah meriah.. 1kg
Rp16.000Rp20.000 -
Makanan Kelinci / Makanan Marmut curah murah meriah.. 500 gr
makanan curah jenis citra feed
Rp11.000 -
Shampo Kucing , kelinci , marmut anti kutu ,jamur Extra Wangi 250 mL
Kemasan 250 mL
Extra Wangi ,
Untu Segala Macam Jenis Hewan
– Kucing , anjing , marmut , dan kelincidiaplikasikan untuk hewan kesayangan mu dilengkapi dengan formula anti jamur
dan parfum yang wangi ..Rp19.900 -
Bunny Snack Set – Mix (Bites & Hay Chips) – Snack Kelinci
Homemade treats untuk kelinci
1 pack Fruity Bites (mix)
1 pack Veggie Bites (mix)
1 pack Hay ChipsAll-natural ingredients ✨ With no added sugars, coloring or preservatives.
Rp35.000 -
Bunny Veggie Bites – Mix (15 pcs) – Snack Kelinci
Product: Mix Veggie Bites – Sample Pack – 15 pcs
Treat size: 1.5 cm / 0.8 grOur Veggie Bites Pack contains both of our Basil-Mint and Cilantro Bites. This is perfect for those new to our treats and would first like to try the different flavors of Veggie Bites first and find out which flavor your pets love the most!
Serving recommendations: 2 – 3 pcs per day as treats, for bunnies > 4 months old and 1 – 2 pcs for GPs, chinchillas and hamsters.
Always remember to introduce any new treats/food gradually to your pets and take the habit of closely monitoring their poop and condition after each introduction.
Suitable for: Rabbits, Guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas & even dogs!
Storage: For optimal shelf life, keep in an airtight container and store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight
Shelf life: recommended use within 3 months after opening
Binkybinks Bunny Co.’s treats are handmade with 100% natural, carefully-selected ingredients. Our treats contain NO honey, sugar or any form of sweeteners, with no coloring and no preservatives added. We at Binkybinks Bunny Co. believe that treats are not only a fun way to provide extra nutrients for your pets, treats are also an essential part of positive reinforcement or rewards-based training to promote good behavior and most importantly, hand-feeding can help build a special bond between you and your fur-babies. Since treats are to be given sparingly, we have purposely made our treats smaller in size, so you will be able to give out these delicious rewards multiple times!
Rp14.000 -
Fruity Bites – Carrots (32 pcs) – Snack Kelinci
Product: Carrot Fruity Bites – Value Pack – 32 pcs
Treat size: 1.5 cm / 0.8 grWho doesn’t love carrots? Our Carrot Bites contain only 2 ingredients; fresh carrots and rolled oats. Carrots are rich in Vitamin A, which is vital for your pet’s vision, immune, heart and lungs! The sweet, carrot-y flavor would leave your carrot-loving pets wanting for more!
Ingredients: Carrots & Australian rolled oats
Serving recommendations: 2 – 3 pcs per day as treats, for bunnies > 4 months old and 1 – 2 pcs for GPs, chinchillas and hamsters.
Always remember to introduce any new treats/food gradually to your pets and take the habit of closely monitoring their poop and condition after each introduction.
Suitable for: Rabbits, Guinea pigs, hamsters & chinchillas
Storage: For optimal shelf life, keep in an airtight container and store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight
Shelf life: recommended use within 3 months after opening
Binkybinks Bunny Co.’s treats are handmade with 100% natural, carefully-selected ingredients. Our treats contain NO honey, sugar or any form of sweeteners, with no coloring and no preservatives added. We at Binkybinks Bunny Co. believe that treats are not only a fun way to provide extra nutrients for your pets, treats are also an essential part of positive reinforcement or rewards-based training to promote good behavior and most importantly, hand-feeding can help build a special bond between you and your fur-babies. Since treats are to be given sparingly, we have purposely made our treats smaller in size, so you will be able to give out these delicious rewards multiple times!
Rp19.000 -
Bunny Hay Chips – Carrots (7 pcs) – Snack Kelinci
Product: Hay Chips – Sample Pack – 7 pcs
Treat size: 4.5 cm / 2.8 gr
Our Hay Chips in Carrots contain a special blend of 2nd cut timothy hay and Small Pet Select’s Oat Hay. These guilt-free chips are packed with fiber and flavored with grated fresh carrots, making these crispy “coins” irresistible to your bunnies, Guinea piggies and chinchillas!
Ingredients: 2nd cut timothy hay, oat hay, Australian rolled oats and fresh carrots.
Serving recommendations: 1 pcs per day as treats, for bunnies > 4 months old
Always remember to introduce any new treats/food gradually to your pets and take the habit of closely monitoring their poop and condition after each introduction.
Suitable for: Rabbits, Guinea pigs & chinchillas
Storage: For optimal shelf life, keep in an airtight container and store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight
Shelf life: recommended use within 2 months after opening
Binkybinks Bunny Co.’s treats are handmade with 100% natural, carefully-selected ingredients. Our treats contain NO honey, sugar or any form of sweeteners, with no coloring and no preservatives added. We at Binkybinks Bunny Co. believe that treats are not only a fun way to provide extra nutrients for your pets, treats are also an essential part of positive reinforcement or rewards-based training to promote good behavior and most importantly, hand-feeding can help build a special bond between you and your fur-babies. Since treats are to be given sparingly, we have purposely made our treats smaller in size, so you will be able to give out these delicious rewards multiple times!Rp12.000 -
Bunny Favorites Bundle – Snack Kelinci
Favorites Snack Bundle
1 pack Carrot Strings
1 pack Apple Leathers
1 pack Hay Chips
1 pack Fruity Bites (mix)
1 pack Veggie Bites (mix)All-natural ingredients ✨ With no added sugars, coloring or preservatives. Safe for bunnies and even for us hoomins!
Rp55.000 -
Carrot Strings – Snack Kelinci
Product: Carrot String – Sample Pack – 9 gr
Treat size: variable / 9 grOur Carrot Strings are made with 1 ingredient only, fresh carrots. Carrots make an excellent treats as they are a great source of Vitamin A , vital for your pet’s vision, immune, heart & lungs and are much loved by many pets, including pups and dogs!
Ingredients: 100% carrots
Our dehydrated fruits variant is the perfect healthy treat option for your pets. They have been completely dried/dehydrated over low-to-medium temperature, so they more shelf-stable, aren’t prone to rotting and much easier to store than fresh fruits!
Serving recommendations: 1 – 2 pcs per day as treats or sprinkled as forageAlways remember to introduce any new treats/food gradually to your pets and take the habit of closely monitoring their poop and condition after each introduction.
Suitable for: Rabbits, Guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas & sugar gliders, even dogs!
Storage: For optimal shelf life, keep in an airtight container and store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight
Shelf life: recommended use within 2 months after opening
Binkybinks Bunny Co.’s treats are handmade with 100% natural, carefully-selected ingredients. Our treats contain NO honey, sugar or any form of sweeteners, with no coloring and no preservatives added.
Rp10.000Carrot Strings – Snack Kelinci
Rp10.000 -
Apple Leathers – Snack Kelinci
Product: Apple Leathers – Sample Pack – 10 gr
Treat size: variable / 10 grOur Apple Leathers are made with 1 ingredient, freshly-sliced Granny Smith green apples. Why Granny Smith? We have chosen Granny Smith apples as they contain the least sugar compared to other apples, but nonetheless still delicious! Apples are a favorite amongst small pets and for sure, they will go crazy over these Leathers! Also, can also be a great snack alternative for humans to eat or sprinkled over granola!
Ingredients: 100% Granny Smith apples
Our dehydrated fruits variant is the perfect healthy treat option for your pets. They have been completely dried/dehydrated over low-to-medium temperature, so they more shelf-stable, aren’t prone to rotting and much easier to store than fresh fruits!
Serving recommendations: 1 – 2 pcs per day as treats or sprinkled as forage
Always remember to introduce any new treats/food gradually to your pets and take the habit of closely monitoring their poop and condition after each introduction.
Suitable for: Rabbits, Guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas & sugar gliders, even HUMANS!
Storage: For optimal shelf life, keep in an airtight container and store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight
Shelf life: recommended use within 2 months after opening
Binkybinks Bunny Co.’s treats are handmade with 100% natural, carefully-selected ingredients. Our treats contain NO honey, sugar or any form of sweeteners, with no coloring and no preservatives added.
Rp12.000Apple Leathers – Snack Kelinci
Rp12.000 -
Bunny Fruity Bites – Mix (15 pcs) – Snack Kelinci
Product: Mix Fruity Bites – Sample Pack – 15 pcs
Treat size: 1.5 cm / 0.8 grOur Fruity Bites Pack contains our 3 most-loved Fruity Bites flavors; Strawberry, Mango and Carrots, with 5 pcs of each flavor per pack. This is perfect for those new to our treats and would first like to try the different flavors and find out which flavor your pets love the most!
Serving recommendations: 2 – 3 pcs per day as treats, for bunnies > 4 months old and 1 – 2 pcs for GPs, chinchillas and hamsters.
Always remember to introduce any new treats/food gradually to your pets and take the habit of closely monitoring their poop and condition after each introduction.
Suitable for: Rabbits, Guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas & even dogs!
Storage: For optimal shelf life, keep in an airtight container and store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight
Shelf life: recommended use within 3 months after opening
Binkybinks Bunny Co.’s treats are handmade with 100% natural, carefully-selected ingredients. Our treats contain NO honey, sugar or any form of sweeteners, with no coloring and no preservatives added. We at Binkybinks Bunny Co. believe that treats are not only a fun way to provide extra nutrients for your pets, treats are also an essential part of positive reinforcement or rewards-based training to promote good behavior and most importantly, hand-feeding can help build a special bond between you and your fur-babies. Since treats are to be given sparingly, we have purposely made our treats smaller in size, so you will be able to give out these delicious rewards multiple times!
Rp12.000 -
Fruity Bites – Mango (32 pcs) – Snack Kelinci
Product: Mango Fruity Bites – Value Pack – 32 pcs
Treat size: 1.5 cm / 0.8 gr
Another crowd-favorite; our Mango Bites contain freshly-puréed mangoes with a splash of 100% turmeric juice, extracted from real turmeric roots (no powders!). Turmeric is completely safe for your pets, it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can be support the health of your furry animals. Mangoes too are packed with fiber and known for its high Vitamin C, which helps to protect your rabbit’s important body systems. The natural sweetness from the fresh mangoes, gives a slightly sweet taste in our Mango Bites that your pets will absolutely love!
Ingredients: Mangoes, turmeric root & Australian rolled oats
Serving recommendations: 2 – 3 pcs per day as treats, for bunnies > 4 months old and 1 – 2 pcs for GPs, chinchillas and hamsters.
Always remember to introduce any new treats/food gradually to your pets and take the habit of closely monitoring their poop and condition after each introduction.
Suitable for: Rabbits, Guinea pigs, hamsters & chinchillas
Storage: For optimal shelf life, keep in an airtight container and store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight
Shelf life: recommended use within 3 months after opening
Binkybinks Bunny Co.’s treats are handmade with 100% natural, carefully-selected ingredients. Our treats contain NO honey, sugar or any form of sweeteners, with no coloring and no preservatives added. We at Binkybinks Bunny Co. believe that treats are not only a fun way to provide extra nutrients for your pets, treats are also an essential part of positive reinforcement or rewards-based training to promote good behavior and most importantly, hand-feeding can help build a special bond between you and your fur-babies. Since treats are to be given sparingly, we have purposely made our treats smaller in size, so you will be able to give out these delicious rewards multiple times!Rp19.000 -
Cookie Jar Mix Fruity Bites (90 pcs) – Snack Kelinci Rabbit
Product: Fruity Bites – Cookie Jar – 90 pcs
Treat size: 1.5 cm / 0.8 gr
You can now get our Fruity Bites in mini Cookie Jars! For this super-value pack, you can get 90 pcs of Fruity Bites, a reusable cookie jar and all for a cheaper price!
Our Fruity Bites Cookie Jars are available in:
1. Strawberry Bites – 90 pcs
2. Mango Bites – 90 pcs
3. Carrot Bites – 90 pcs
4. Pink Banana Bites – 90 pcs
5. Mix Fruity Bites – 90 pcs
These mini jars are perfect for those who has grown to love our Fruity Bites flavors and are looking for a bigger (and cheaper) pack to stock up!
Serving recommendations: 2 – 3 pcs per day as treats, for bunnies > 4 months old and 1 – 2 pcs for GPs, chinchillas and hamsters.
Always remember to introduce any new treats/food gradually to your pets and take the habit of closely monitoring their poop and condition after each introduction.
Suitable for: Rabbits, Guinea pigs, hamsters & chinchillas
Storage: For optimal shelf life, keep in an airtight container and store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight
Shelf life: recommended use within 3 months after opening
Binkybinks Bunny Co.’s treats are handmade with 100% natural, carefully-selected ingredients. Our treats contain NO honey, sugar or any form of sweeteners, with no coloring and no preservatives added. We at Binkybinks Bunny Co. believe that treats are not only a fun way to provide extra nutrients for your pets, treats are also an essential part of positive reinforcement or rewards-based training to promote good behavior and most importantly, hand-feeding can help build a special bond between you and your fur-babies. Since treats are to be given sparingly, we have purposely made our treats smaller in size, so you will be able to give out these delicious rewards multiple times!Rp48.000 -
Banana Medallions (25 g) – Snack Kelinci
Product: Banana Medals – Value Pack – 25 gr
Treat size: variable / 25 gr
Our Banana Medals are made with 1 ingredient only, hand-picked fresh local bananas. Who doesn’t love bananas? Bananas are a rich source of Potassium, a very important mineral which helps to protect your pet’s heart and brain health. Bananas also contain Magnesium which can help to reduce stress and anxiety. I mean, what’s not to love?
Ingredients: 100% local bananas
Our dehydrated fruits variant is the perfect healthy treat option for your pets. They have been completely dried/dehydrated over low-to-medium temperature, so they more shelf-stable, aren’t prone to rotting and much easier to store than fresh fruits!
Serving recommendations: 1 – 2 pcs per day as treats or sprinkled as forage
Always remember to introduce any new treats/food gradually to your pets and take the habit of closely monitoring their poop and condition after each introduction.
Suitable for: Rabbits, Guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas & sugar gliders, even dogs!
Storage: For optimal shelf life, keep in an airtight container and store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight
Shelf life: recommended use within 2 months after opening
Binkybinks Bunny Co.’s treats are handmade with 100% natural, carefully-selected ingredients. Our treats contain NO honey, sugar or any form of sweeteners, with no coloring and no preservatives added.Rp10.000 -
Fruity Bites – Strawberry (32 pcs) – Snack Kelinci
PProduct: Strawberry Fruity Bites – Value Pack – 32 pcs
Treat size: 1.5 cm / 0.8 gr
This best-selling Fruity Bites flavor is naturally-flavored with local strawberries and red beetroot. Strawberries contain a wide variety of vitamins & minerals for your bunnies and red beetroot are known to be a rich source of antioxidant with energy-boosting properties. And did we mention that these treats smells super sweet like strawberries? Guarantee that your pets would be begging for more!
Ingredients: Strawberries, red beetroot and Australian rolled oats
Serving recommendations: 2 – 3 pcs per day as treats, for bunnies > 4 months old and 1 – 2 pcs for GPs, chinchillas and hamsters.
Always remember to introduce any new treats/food gradually to your pets and take the habit of closely monitoring their poop and condition after each introduction.
Suitable for: Rabbits, Guinea pigs, hamsters & chinchillas
Storage: For optimal shelf life, keep in an airtight container and store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight
Shelf life: recommended use within 3 months after opening
Binkybinks Bunny Co.’s treats are handmade with 100% natural, carefully-selected ingredients. Our treats contain NO honey, sugar or any form of sweeteners, with no coloring and no preservatives added. We at Binkybinks Bunny Co. believe that treats are not only a fun way to provide extra nutrients for your pets, treats are also an essential part of positive reinforcement or rewards-based training to promote good behavior and most importantly, hand-feeding can help build a special bond between you and your fur-babies. Since treats are to be given sparingly, we have purposely made our treats smaller in size, so you will be able to give out these delicious rewards multiple times!
Rp19.000 -
Fruity Bites – Pink Banana (32 pcs) – Snack Kelinci
Product: Pink Banana Fruity Bites – Value Pack – 32 pcs
Treat size: 1.5 cm / 0.8 grOur newest Fruity Bites member, the Pink Banana! These light pink cookies are made with fresh bananas and red dragon fruit; you might even notice the black dragon fruit seeds in all of our Pink Banana Fruity Bites! Bananas are a rich source of Potassium, a very important mineral which helps to protect your pet’s heart and brain health. Bananas also contain Magnesium which can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Dragon fruit on the other hand is packed with antioxidants and lots of Vitamin C, which can help to naturally boost your furbabies’ immune system and prevent diseases. This powerful fruit combination provide a vibrant color, natural sweetness and lovely fragrant of sweet bananas in our treats, loved by our furry friends!
Ingredients: Bananas, dragon fruit & Australian rolled oats
Serving recommendations: 2 – 3 pcs per day as treats, for bunnies > 4 months old and 1 – 2 pcs for GPs, chinchillas and hamsters.
Always remember to introduce any new treats/food gradually to your pets and take the habit of closely monitoring their poop and condition after each introduction.
Suitable for: Rabbits, Guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas & even dogs!
Storage: For optimal shelf life, keep in an airtight container and store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight
Shelf life: recommended use within 3 months after opening
Binkybinks Bunny Co.’s treats are handmade with 100% natural, carefully-selected ingredients. Our treats contain NO honey, sugar or any form of sweeteners, with no coloring and no preservatives added.
Rp19.000 -
Apple Leathers (25 gr) – Value Pack – Snack Kelinci
Product: Apple Leathers – Value Pack – 25 gr
Treat size: variable / 25 grOur Apple Leathers are made with 1 ingredient, freshly-sliced Granny Smith green apples. Why Granny Smith? We have chosen Granny Smith apples as they contain the least sugar compared to other apples, but nonetheless still delicious! Apples are a favorite amongst small pets and for sure, they will go crazy over these Leathers! Also, can also be a great snack alternative for humans to eat or sprinkled over granola!
Ingredients: 100% Granny Smith apples
Our dehydrated fruits variant is the perfect healthy treat option for your pets. They have been completely dried/dehydrated over low-to-medium temperature, so they more shelf-stable, aren’t prone to rotting and much easier to store than fresh fruits!
Serving recommendations: 1 – 2 pcs per day as treats or sprinkled as forage
Always remember to introduce any new treats/food gradually to your pets and take the habit of closely monitoring their poop and condition after each introduction.
Suitable for: Rabbits, Guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas & sugar gliders, even HUMANS!
Storage: For optimal shelf life, keep in an airtight container and store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight
Shelf life: recommended use within 2 months after opening
Binkybinks Bunny Co.’s treats are handmade with 100% natural, carefully-selected ingredients. Our treats contain NO honey, sugar or any form of sweeteners, with no coloring and no preservatives added.
Rp26.000 -
Carrot Strings (25 gr) – Value Pack – Snack Kelinci
Product: Carrot String – Value Pack – 25 gr
Treat size: variable / 25 grOur Carrot Strings are made with 1 ingredient only, fresh carrots. Carrots make an excellent treats as they are a great source of Vitamin A , vital for your pet’s vision, immune, heart & lungs and are much loved by many pets, including pups and dogs!
Ingredients: 100% carrots
Our dehydrated fruits variant is the perfect healthy treat option for your pets. They have been completely dried/dehydrated over low-to-medium temperature, so they more shelf-stable, aren’t prone to rotting and much easier to store than fresh fruits!
Serving recommendations: 1 – 2 pcs per day as treats or sprinkled as forageAlways remember to introduce any new treats/food gradually to your pets and take the habit of closely monitoring their poop and condition after each introduction.
Suitable for: Rabbits, Guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas & sugar gliders, even dogs!
Storage: For optimal shelf life, keep in an airtight container and store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight
Shelf life: recommended use within 2 months after opening
Binkybinks Bunny Co.’s treats are handmade with 100% natural, carefully-selected ingredients. Our treats contain NO honey, sugar or any form of sweeteners, with no coloring and no preservatives added.
Rp22.000 -
Banana Medallions (65 g) – Snack Kelinci
Product: Banana Medals – Value Pack – 65 gr
Treat size: variable / 65 grOur Banana Medals are made with 1 ingredient only, hand-picked fresh local bananas. Who doesn’t love bananas? Bananas are a rich source of Potassium, a very important mineral which helps to protect your pet’s heart and brain health. Bananas also contain Magnesium which can help to reduce stress and anxiety. I mean, what’s not to love? Also, can also be a great snack alternative for humans to eat or sprinkled over granola!
Ingredients: 100% local bananas
Our dehydrated fruits variant is the perfect healthy treat option for your pets. They have been completely dried/dehydrated over low-to-medium temperature, so they more shelf-stable, aren’t prone to rotting and much easier to store than fresh fruits!
Serving recommendations: 1 – 2 pcs per day as treats or sprinkled as forageAlways remember to introduce any new treats/food gradually to your pets and take the habit of closely monitoring their poop and condition after each introduction.
Suitable for: Rabbits, Guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas & sugar gliders, even HUMANS!
Storage: For optimal shelf life, keep in an airtight container and store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight
Shelf life: recommended use within 2 months after opening
Binkybinks Bunny Co.’s treats are handmade with 100% natural, carefully-selected ingredients. Our treats contain NO honey, sugar or any form of sweeteners, with no coloring and no preservatives added.
Rp23.000 -
Bunny Hay Chips – Carrots (20 pcs) – Snack Kelinci
Product: Hay Chips – Value Pack – 20 pcs
Treat size: 4.5 cm / 2.8 grOur Hay Chips in Carrots contain a special blend of 2nd cut timothy hay and Small Pet Select’s Oat Hay. These chips are packed with fiber and flavored with grated fresh carrots, making these crispy “coins” irresistible to your bunnies and Guinea piggies!
Ingredients: 2nd cut timothy hay, oat hay, Australian rolled oats and fresh carrots.
Serving recommendations: 1 pcs per day as treats, for bunnies > 4 months old.
Always remember to introduce any new treats/food gradually to your pets and take the habit of closely monitoring their poop and condition after each introduction.
Suitable for: Rabbits, Guinea pigs & chinchillas
Storage: For optimal shelf life, keep in an airtight container and store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight
Shelf life: recommended use within 2 months after opening
Binkybinks Bunny Co.’s treats are handmade with 100% natural, carefully-selected ingredients. Our treats contain NO honey, sugar or any form of sweeteners, with no coloring and no preservatives added. We at Binkybinks Bunny Co. believe that treats are not only a fun way to provide extra nutrients for your pets, treats are also an essential part of positive reinforcement or rewards-based training to promote good behavior and most importantly, hand-feeding can help build a special bond between you and your fur-babies. Since treats are to be given sparingly, we have purposely made our treats smaller in size, so you will be able to give out these delicious rewards multiple times!
Rp30.000 -
Veggie Bites – Basil Mint (32 pcs) – Snack Kelinci Bunny Rabbit Treats
Product: Basil-Mint Veggie Bites – Sample Pack – 32 pcs
Treat size: 1.5 cm / 0.8 grOur Basil-Mint Veggie bites contain bokchoy leaves, fresh Italian basil, mint and organic spirulina. This powerhouse of ingredients provide great benefits for your loving bunnies. Basil contains a high level of antioxidants and can also prevent cellular damage. Fresh mint is a calming herb and is often used to soothe an upset tummy, reduce gas and also contains antioxidants! Spirulina is a widely recognized superfood, known to be a dense source of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids, which can help to boost your pets immune system and health! With this combination of powerful ingredients, our Basil-Mint Bites can be a healthy natural treat alternative for your furbabies!
Ingredients: Bokchoy, Italian basil, mint, organic spirulina and Australian rolled oats.
Serving recommendations: 2 – 3 pcs per day as treats, for bunnies > 4 months old
Always remember to introduce any new treats/food gradually to your pets and take the habit of closely monitoring their poop and condition after each introduction.
Suitable for: Rabbits, Guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas & even dogs!
Storage: For optimal shelf life, keep in an airtight container and store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight
Shelf life: recommended use within 3 months after opening
Binkybinks Bunny Co.’s treats are handmade with 100% natural, carefully-selected ingredients. Our treats contain NO honey, sugar or any form of sweeteners, with no coloring and no preservatives added.
Rp22.000 -
Veggie Bites – Cilantro (32 pcs) – Snack Kelinci Bunny Rabbit Treats
Product: Cilantro Veggie Bites – Sample Pack – 32 pcs
Treat size: 1.5 cm / 0.8 grCilantro, or coriander leaves is a favorite herb not only humans, but for bunnies and other small pets! Our Cilantro Veggies Bites contain bokchoy and fresh cilantro leaves. Cilantro contain a wide variety of nutrients for your bunnies, including high level of antioxidants, Vitamin C, Vitamin A and potassium, that can potentially provide many health benefits for your pets and strengthen their immune system. You can even smell the cilantro leaves from our Cilantro Veggie Bites and this will leave your veggie-loving pets begging for more!
Ingredients: Bokchoy, cilantro, and Australian rolled oats.
Serving recommendations: 2 – 3 pcs per day as treats, for bunnies > 4 months old
Always remember to introduce any new treats/food gradually to your pets and take the habit of closely monitoring their poop and condition after each introduction.
Suitable for: Rabbits, Guinea pigs, hamsters & chinchillas
Storage: For optimal shelf life, keep in an airtight container and store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight
Shelf life: recommended use within 3 months after opening
Binkybinks Bunny Co.’s treats are handmade with 100% natural, carefully-selected ingredients. Our treats contain NO honey, sugar or any form of sweeteners, with no coloring and no preservatives added. We at Binkybinks Bunny Co. believe that treats are not only a fun way to provide extra nutrients for your pets, treats are also an essential part of positive reinforcement or rewards-based training to promote good behavior and most importantly, hand-feeding can help build a special bond between you and your fur-babies. Since treats are to be given sparingly, we have purposely made our treats smaller in size, so you will be able to give out these delicious rewards multiple times!
Rp22.000 -
The Ultimate Cookie Jar: All Flavors Bites (90 pcs) – Snack Kelinci
Product: Mix Fruity & Veggie Bites – Cookie Jar – 90 pcs
Treat size: 1.5 cm / 0.8 grYou can now get flavors of our Fruity & Veggie Bites all in this one, cute, little Cookie Jar. For this super-value pack, you can get 90 pcs of mixed Fruity & Veggie Bites flavors, a reusable cookie jar and all for a cheaper price!
These mini jars are perfect for those who has grown to equally love all flavors of our Fruity &Veggie Bites and are looking for a bigger, hassle-free (and cheaper) pack to stock up!
Serving recommendations: 2 – 3 pcs per day as treats, for bunnies > 4 months old and 1 – 2 pcs for GPs, chinchillas and hamsters.
Always remember to introduce any new treats/food gradually to your pets and take the habit of closely monitoring their poop and condition after each introduction.
Suitable for: Rabbits, Guinea pigs, hamsters & chinchillas
Storage: For optimal shelf life, keep in an airtight container and store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight
Shelf life: recommended use within 3 months after opening
Binkybinks Bunny Co.’s treats are handmade with 100% natural, carefully-selected ingredients. Our treats contain NO honey, sugar or any form of sweeteners, with no coloring and no preservatives added. We at Binkybinks Bunny Co. believe that treats are not only a fun way to provide extra nutrients for your pets, treats are also an essential part of positive reinforcement or rewards-based training to promote good behavior and most importantly, hand-feeding can help build a special bond between you and your fur-babies. Since treats are to be given sparingly, we have purposely made our treats smaller in size, so you will be able to give out these delicious rewards multiple times!